Iby’Iwacu cultural village is one of the community owned enterprises in Rwanda, Africa, which was started with a major aim to address local community conflicts with mountain gorilla conservation around volcanoes national park in Nyabigoma Kinigi, Musanze district north of Rwanda. Prior to its formation,people used to depend on volcanoes national park resources through illegal poaching for bush meat, timber, wood and water collection and wild honey gathering which were restraining conservation of gorillas and other wildlife.
A part from being a platform for locals to exhibit the rich cultural heritage of Rwanda, the cultural village initiated important projects which aim at changing the lives of people through enterprise development where individuals use arts and crafts to start up community based tourism business which helps them to earn a living from sale of craft products to tourists who come to visit the village. The cultural village also provides conservation support through educating locals about sustainable agriculture projects including vegetable growing, bee keeping, goat rearing as alternative resources of livelihood apart from depending on the forest products.