Mea She'arim is a very old venerable corner of Jerusalem, Israel. The name Mea She'arim (Hebrew: מאה שערים, lit. "hundred gates"; contextually "a hundred fold") is derived from a verse from Genesis, which happened to be part of the weekly Torah portion that was read the week the settlement was founded: "Isaac sowed in that land, and in that year he reaped a hun...
Central Asia is the birthplace of the ancient tradition of eagle hunting. The nomads who roamed the Central Asian steppes began to tame these birds of prey thousands of years ago and this tradition is still passed on from generation to generation. It was fundamental for the acquisition of food and furs in the harsh winter months.
Nowadays, this form of hunting isn’t essential...
Saint Basil's Cathedral is situated in the Red Square of Moscow, Russia. Although it's known to everyone as St. Basil's, this legendary building is officially called "The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat". The popular alternative refers to Basil the Blessed, a Muscovite 'holy fool' who was buried on the site (in the Trinity Cathedral tha...