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    The Western Wall, or Kotel or “Wailing Wall”, is located in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel, and it is the western support wall of the Temple Mount. The Wall is the most religious site in the world for the Jewish people. The name “Wailing Wall” is actually a translation of the Arabic term el-Mabka, which means “place of weeping,” and is the traditional...

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    Santa Cruz de Mompox (also called Mompos or simply Mompox), located in the swampy inland tropics of northern Colombia’s Bolívar Department, was founded about 1539 on the Magdalena River, the country’s principal waterway. Mompox was of great logistical and commercial importance, as substantial traffic between the port of Cartagena and the interior travelled along the river. It...

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    Scarification is the scratching, etching, burning/branding, or cutting of decorative scars or words into the skin as a permanent body modification is an extreme form of body art. Scarification is similar to tattooing, only the design is cut into the dermis, far above muscle matter and fatty tissues. The raised scars left behind are known as keloids. Scarification is an ancient practice on...
